Elected July 2023 for 3 Year Term, the next TFN Election will be July 2026.
TFN Chief & Council
Chief Shelly Moore-Frappier shelly.moorefrappier@temagamifirstnation.ca
Second Chief Michael Paul michael.paul@temagamifirstnation.ca
Councillor Alice Moore alice.moore@temagamifirstnation.ca
Councillor Alex Paul Jr. alex.pauljr@temagamifirstnation.ca
Councillor Kim Montroy kim.montroy@temagamifirstnation.ca
Councillor John McKenzie john.mckenzie@temagamifirstnation.ca
Councillor Joseph Katt joseph.katt@temagamifirstnation.ca
Language Learning Tool: Audio Clips
TFN Strategic Plan – July 2022
The Tribal Constitution of September 1978 (revised 2012) formalized the election process for the offices of Chief, Second Chief and Councillor of Temagami First Nation.
Administrative Governance Policy and Terms of Reference |