Timiskaming Health Unit: Vaccination Clinics
Upcoming Vaccination Clinics hosted by Timiskaming Health Unit
Indigenous Community members 18+ are still a priority group. You can book into a clinic by calling the health unit
1-705-647-4305 ext 6.
February 23, 2021 – Temagami First Nation would like to advise that we, in partnership with the Timiskaming Health Unit, will be holding a ONE DAY ONLY, Moderna Vaccination Clinic at the Minowaabandan-gamiing Maawanjohidiwining (Lakeview Gathering Place) in the Gathering Hall. The Moderna vaccine is for those who are 18 years and older.
You will need an appointment to receive the vaccine in order for us to determine the amount of vaccine required for our community and to maintain Covid-19 Protocols. A TFN staff person will contact you to book your appointment for the vaccine between Tuesday February 23, 2021 – Thursday February 25, 2021.
Please bring your health card/photo ID and COVID-19 Screening and Consent Form to your appointment. If you have already sent in your COVID-19 Screening and Consent Form, it will be on file.
In preparation for the vaccine, talk to your health care provider to see if the Moderna vaccine is right for you.
Rachel McKee
Pandemic Coordinator, Temagami First Nation
Bear Island, ON. P0H 1C0
705-237-8900 ext. 304