Police Committee Mandate
To work together in partnership in identifying, prioritizing and problem-solving policing issues by:
- Being proactive in community relations, crime prevention, education, mobilization, and communication initiatives.
- Acting as a resource to the police.
- Developing a strategic long-term vision through building knowledge, education, tolerance and understanding.
The integrity and reputation of the service is fundamental when liaison or consultation at any level occurs between service members and the community. Constructive partnerships and positive outcomes that occur as a result of community/police interaction remain the cornerstone of a successful police service and ultimately lead to an enhanced quality of life within the community.
Police Committee Membership
The police committee shall be compromised of:
- 3 Community members appointed by Council.
- One police officer.
- A chairperson of the committee will be appointed by the majority vote of the committee members.
- A second chairperson will be appointed should the chairperson not be available.
- To ensure input from all parts of the Temagami First Nation, the police committee shall make an effort to appoint representatives from Temagami First Nation who represent a broad cross section of knowledgeable experienced individuals.
- The committee members shall be appointed for a term of three years.
- Whereas a committee member that has proven service to Temagami First Nation with accountability and results can be reappointed for an additional term if directed by newly elected Chief and Council of Temagami First Nation.
- By majority vote, the Police Committee may recommend to Chief and Council removal and/or replacement of any member who misses three (3) consecutive full meetings of the committee, subject to circumstances surrounding the absence. Members that are requesting a temporary leave of absence or intending to resign from the committee should provide written notification to the Chair within 30 days prior to such action.
- If at any time the committee drops below 4 members, Chief and Council shall, in consultation with the Police Committee, appoint another member.
- Committee members will be expected to be aware of relevant Temagami First Nation policies, programs and other initiatives in carrying out their activities. To assist in this regard the committee may, from time to time, request Chief and Council to make available staff and/or consultants to advise the committee as appropriate.
Bear Island Police & Justice Committee Members
Virginia McKenzie: Justice & Victim Service Coordinator
Nancy Shipman: Justice & Victim Service Assistant
John McKenzie: Second Chief, Temagami First Nation
John Turner: Second Chief , Teme-Augama Anishnabai
Tom Saville: Temagami First Nation Police Constable
Kim Montroy: Elder
Kathy Beddows: Elder
Police Committee Procedures
The committee shall normally meet quarterly, or at the call of the Chairperson with adequate notice given to all members.
The proceedings of the Police Committee meetings are to be conducted in public, unless otherwise specifically warranted.
Procedures of the Police Committee will be governed by the Robert’s Rule of Order, unless declared informal by the Chair.
If a community member wishes to address an issue with the Police Committee, it is to be submitted in writing and delivered to the Band Office one week prior to the Police Committee meeting in order for the Chair to review and add to the agenda.
On matters requiring votes, the committee shall strive for consensus, and shall normally only communicate the consensus or majority position to Chief and Council. On matters where there is a significant lack of consensus, minority positions may also be reported to Chief and Council at the discretion of the Chair. The Chair generally does not vote, unless deemed necessary to break a tie.
The agenda will be prepared by the Chair.
The public will be welcome to attend meetings and share opinions.
The police committee shall prepare an annual status report and work plan, which shall be submitted to Chief and Council in February of each year.
The report shall, among other things
- Summarize the activities and achievements of the Police committee over the previous year.
- Describe ongoing activities and issues, and identifying new priorities and concerns.
- Outline the committees’ primary projects for the upcoming year including all anticipated budgetary needs.
Committee recommendations to Council shall be put forward in a written report to Council from the Police Committee Chair.
Financial support for the committee will be reviewed annually as part of the Temagami First Nation regular budget preparation process. Additionally, special project funding requests may also be submitted by the committee from time to time for consultation by Chief and Council.
All meeting minutes of the committee shall be forwarded to the Temagami First Nation Executive Director to be placed on a Chief and Council agenda to be received for information.
Minutes will be completed and emailed to the committee within 7 days of the last committee meeting.
Duties of the Police Committee
Consider items referred by Temagami First Nation Chief and Council.
Assist the Bear Island police with public relations and special programs by providing public appearances and media support.
Develop policies and/or programs designed to enhance public safety for review and approval by Temagami First Nation Chief and Council
The Justice Committee Membership consist of:
- Three Community members appointed by Temagami First Nation Chief and Council;
- One Police officer;
- The Chairperson will be appointed by the majority vote of the committee.