The Teme-Augama Anishnabai and Temagami First Nation represent the Original People of N’dakimenan (Our Land) [Unceded].Our Creation Story tells us that 8000 years ago, the Creator placed us at Ishpatina Ridge, the highest point of land in what is now called Ontario. This timeline corresponds to the receding glaciers. Six thousand of those years have been corroborated by science, showing our continuous occupation.
N’dakimenan was accepted by the Supreme Court of Canada in Ontario (Attorney General) v Bear Island Foundation, [1991] 2 SCR 570).
Gizoongidehemin ezhi-winaakonigemin. Wi-mikwendamamin akina weshkat gaa bimaadiziwog shij wii gaadaadiniziwog.
We will be of strong heart when we make decisions. We will remember all long ago who lived and who will be born.
Mino niigaanizimin shij ni-wiidamaagemin gaa-ezhi-widoodamaagemin.
Good leadership and we will tell everyone what we are doing.
Akina Teme-Augama Anishinaabewimin nii-wizhitoomin gaaminod ezhiga-endamin. Wi-miikimomin gwayakochigemin akiikan.
All Temagami People want to build something that is good where we live. We will work at doing right by the land.
Family Names and N’Dodems:
Wabimakwa – Loon
Families include – Fridays, Paul’s, Becker’s and Petrant’s
Kane’jc – Kingfisher
Families include – Peshabo
Wendaban – Rattlesnake
Families include – Katt
Koho’je Pi-Ku’djick – Totem unknown
Includes various families
(Coho-jay Pick-ju-jick)
Menitcu’wac – Totem unknown
Includes various families
Djakwunigan – Kingfisher
Families include Cote’s and Paul’s
Pawagi’dak-we – Kingfisher
Families include Pierce or Pearse
Kamino’ckama – Caribou
Families include Turner
Ke’Ke’K – Rattlesnake
Families include Katt
Misabi – Beaver
Families include Missabie, Becker
Aya’nda’ckwe – Kingfisher
Families include Moore
Caya’gwog’zi – Loon
Families include Twain
Cumca’ckiwe – Caribou
Families include Potts
Nebane’gwune – Loon
Families include McKenzie, Mathias, Belaney